अर्शोघ्नी वटी

अर्शोघ्नी वटी एक आयुर्वेदिक औषधि है जिसका उपयोग सभी प्रकार की बवासीर के इलाज के लिए किया जाता है। यह बहुत आम है और खूनी और बिना खून वाली दोनों तरह की बवासीर के इलाज में फायदेमंद है।

अर्शोघ्नी वटी निम्ब फला, महानिम्बा, खुनखरबा, त्रिनकान्त पिस्ती, शुद्ध रसौंट से बनाई जाती है

Rs. 420.00 Rs. 294.00

शीर्षक: 3 bottles | 150 tablets | ₹0.98/tablet


3 bottles

150 tablets





Save ₹126/-


1 bottles

50 tablets





Save ₹14/-

2 bottles

100 tablets





Save ₹42/-

Value Pack

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Key Benefits

Provides comfort from the discomfort of hemorrhoids.
Aids in soothing irritation and inflammation.
Supports healthy digestion and bowel movement.
Made with natural, Ayurvedic ingredients for holistic care.
Safe for regular use, adhering to traditional Ayurvedic practices.

Key Ingredients

Nimb Phala (Neem Fruit): Known for its soothing and purifying properties.
Mahanimba (Large Neem): Offers benefits for skin and overall health.
Khunkharaba: An Ayurvedic ingredient known for its effectiveness in health formulations.
Trinkant Pisti: A traditional compound used in Ayurvedic medicine.
Suddha Rasaunt: A purified herbal extract, valued for its beneficial properties.

Additional Information

3 bottles | 150 tablets | ₹0.98/tablet, 1 bottles | 50 tablets | ₹1.26/tablet, 2 bottles | 100 tablets | ₹1.19/tablet

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How should I take Amla Churna for best results?
Are there any side effects associated with Amla Churna?
Can Amla Churna help with hair growth and skin health?