सप्तविंशति गुग्गुलु

सप्तविंशति गुग्गुलु औषधीय जड़ी बूटियों और गुग्गुलु से तैयार किया जाता है। गुग्गुलु एक पेड़ का गोंद राल है और इसमें एंटी-ऑक्सीडेंट और एंटी-इंफ्लेमेटरी गुण होते हैं।

यह दवा बवासीर, भगंदर/फिस्टुला, खांसी, छाती में दर्द आदि के इलाज में उपयोगी है। इसमें सूजन-रोधी, रक्त-शोधक, विषहरण, एंटीऑक्सिडेंट और रोगाणुरोधी गतिविधियां हैं।

Rs384.00 INR Rs269.00 INR

शीर्षक: 3 bottles | 150 tablets | ₹1.79/tablet


3 bottles

150 tablets





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1 bottle

50 tablets





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2 bottles

100 tablets





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Value Pack

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Key Benefits

Saptvinshati Guggul use Supports the body's detoxification process, promoting overall cleansing and well-being.
Made with a blend of Ayurvedic herbs for holistic detox support.
Suitable for regular use by individuals seeking natural detox solutions.
Offers a convenient way to incorporate traditional Ayurvedic care into daily wellness routines.

Key Ingredients

Key ingredients of Saptvinshati Guggul -
Sunthi (Ginger): Supports digestion, reduces inflammation, and aids in detoxification.
Maricha (Black Pepper): Stimulates digestion, enhances metabolism, and has detoxifying properties.
Pippali (Long Pepper): Supports digestion, metabolism, and respiratory health.
Haritaki, Bibhitaki, Amalaki (Triphala): Known for their gentle detoxification and digestive support.
Musta: Traditionally used to support healthy digestion and detoxification.
Vidanga: Purifies the digestive system, aids in the elimination of toxins, and has anti-parasitic properties.
Guduchi: Supports detoxification, boosts immunity, and promotes overall well-being.
Chitraka (Leadwort): Aids in digestion, metabolism, and supports detoxification processes.

Additional Information

3 bottles | 150 tablets | ₹1.79/tablet, 1 bottle | 50 tablets | ₹2.30/tablet, 2 bottles | 100 tablets | ₹2.17/tablet

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What are the benefits of Saptvinshati Guggulu?
How should Saptvinshati Guggulu be taken for joint pain?
Are there any side effects of Saptvinshati Guggulu?
How does Saptvinshati Guggulu benefit skin health?