सुपारी पाक

सुपारी पाक उन वयस्क महिलाओं के रोगियों के लिए फायदेमंद है जिन्हें प्रसवोत्तर समस्याएं होती हैं। इसे विभिन्न औषधीय जड़ी-बूटियों का उपयोग करके तैयार किया गया है जो महिलाओं की स्वास्थ्य समस्याओं के लिए बेहद फायदेमंद हैं।

यह मासिक धर्म चक्र को प्रबंधित करने में मदद करता है, गर्भाशय को पोषण देता है, सूजन को कम करता है, डिम्बग्रंथि की कार्यक्षमता को बढ़ाता है और भूख बढ़ाता है।

Rs510.00 INR Rs357.00 INR

शीर्षक: 3 bottles | 300 grams | ₹1.19/gram


3 bottles

300 grams





Save Rs153/-


1 bottles

100 grams





Save Rs17/-

2 bottles

200 grams





Save Rs51/-

Value Pack

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Key Benefits

Helps manage menstrual cycle irregularities and nourishes the uterus.
Decreases inflammation and enhances ovarian functionalities.
Increases appetite and overall well-being in adult women.
Made with a blend of Ayurvedic herbs for holistic women's health support.
Suitable for regular use by adult women seeking natural solutions for postpartum and menstrual health.

Key Ingredients

Puga phala: Known for its nourishing properties, particularly in women's health.
Goghrita: Aids in postpartum recovery and enhances overall vitality.
Satavari: Supports reproductive health and hormonal balance.
Amalki: Rich in antioxidants, promotes overall wellness.
Godugdha, Sita, Nagakesara, Musta, Sheta Candana, Sunthi: Each contributes to women's health in unique ways, from reducing inflammation to enhancing appetite.

Additional Information

3 bottles | 300 grams | ₹1.19/gram, 1 bottles | 100 grams | ₹1.53/gram, 2 bottles | 200 grams | ₹1.44/gram

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What is Supari Pak used for?
How does Supari Pak benefit women's health?
What are the key ingredients in Supari Pak?
How should I take Supari Pak for best results?
Are there any side effects of using Supari Pak?